Springfield Jaycees Projects
In addition to July 4th fireworks and the Holiday Lights Parade, the Springfield Jaycees also coordinate projects each year and participate in countless other events, including assisting other organizations with their charitable causes and programs.
The Annual Lawnmower Clinics are held each April and are one of the largest fundraisers for our chapter. This year our clinics will be hosted on April 2nd and April 23rd.
Illinois Jaycees Priority Projects
The two projects below are designated by the Illinois Jaycees as state-wide projects contributed to by all of the Illinois Jaycee chapters including the Springfield Jaycees. These projects are the focus of many Jaycee chapters’ work, while other chapters, like the Springfield Jaycees, balance their community service between these two priority projects and other, more local, endeavors.
Children’s Hospitals
In 2020, the Illinois Jaycees’ president chose children’s hospitals as the state initiative. The Illinois Jaycees held a virtual 5K. The Springfield Jaycees have worked with HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital. We have donated toys and activity kits and are still fundraising. Our chapter members are recording story times for the patients. We are also sponsoring a table for the new healing garden.
Since 2020, the Springfield Jaycees decided to continue the amazing work that we had completed during our partnership with HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital
Camp New Hope
Each year, the Springfield Jaycees raise money to contribute to Camp New Hope. Camp New Hope is a beautiful 41 acre facility nestled along scenic Lake Mattoon in central Illinois. Facilities include several sleeping cabins, a dining and activities center, a playground, a waterfront area for fishing and boating, a swimming pool, an arts and crafts shelter that is open to the outside or fully shielded from the elements, the respite center, and several walking trails and wooded areas. The use of all of these amenities is summed up in the Camp New Hope mission statement: Provide a safe and caring camp for people with developmental disabilities to experience fun and companionship, allowing a break for families and caregivers.
All of the chapters of Jaycees in Illinois contribute financially to assist this facility all year long. Donations may be in the form of equipment, supplies, gifts, among other things. In addition, the Illinois Jaycees, including the Springfield Jaycees, donate continuously to help pay for essentials including utilities, property, and staffing expenses.
JCI Priority Projects
United to Beat Malaria (formerly Nothing But Nets)

United to Beat Malaria, a global grassroots campaign of the UN Foundation, brings together a diverse set of partners, influencers and supporters across the U.S. and around the world to take urgent action to end malaria.
For more than 15 years, United to Beat Malaria (previously known as Nothing But Nets) has helped protect more than 39 million of the world’s most vulnerable people by providing bed nets and other life-saving tools, in addition to successfully advocating for increased U.S. leadership and funding for global malaria programs.
Despite tremendous progress made, a child dies nearly every minute from this entirely preventable and treatable disease. We know that a challenge of this magnitude requires individual and collective global action. That’s why United to Beat Malaria is rising to the challenge to equip and mobilize engaged global citizens and partners to raise awareness, funds and voices to advocate for a malaria-free world.
Learn More by visiting their website by clicking here.